Welcome to the forms library. While forms can be a pain, sometimes they're required to protect your assets and identity.
Please contact Openmarkets support for application forms. If you're looking for our legal page – which includes hit titles like T&Cs, FSG and best execution policy – you'll find that here.
Read before you trade
You should read and understand our terms and FSG (as well as other relevant disclosure documents found on the same page) before you open an account with us.
Third party authority
Ok now we're getting into form territory... you might say we're in pretty good form.
Third party authority form – Macquarie
Link an existing Macquarie Cash Management Account (CMA) to settle transactions on your Openmarkets account.
Appointment of a Financial Services Company - Openmarkets Australia Limited - Company code A091 - General Withdrawal Authority
Third party authority form – DDH Graham
Link an existing DDH Graham Money Market Deposit Account to settle transactions on your Openmarkets account.
Third party authority form – Leveraged Equities
Link an existing Leveraged Equities margin loan to settle transactions on your Openmarkets account.
Third party authority – General
Grant a third party authority to view or transact on your trading account.
Other forms
Options application form
Apply to trade options on your Openmarkets account.
Please note:
- New options clients must already be Openmarkets clients – if you're not yet, please contact support to complete an account application form
- The collateral cover authorisation (CCA, which is page two of the options application form) needs to be completed as part of the application to enable us to lodge collateral.
One-off sales form
Sell a listed security that is Issuer-sponsored in an individual or joint name.
Broker to broker holdings transfer form
Existing clients only. Transfer holdings attached to an existing HIN with another broker to your Openmarkets HIN.
Change of address form
Update your CHESS registration address and/or your email address for contract notes on your account.
Change of name form
Certified supporting documents required. Change your name on an account.
Direct debit setup form
Set up a direct debit arrangement with Openmarkets for the payment of monthly trading software license fees.
FATCA supplementary form
FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) self-certification form for when individuals relating to companies, trust or super funds are US citizens or residents for tax purposes.
Issuer-sponsored holding transfer form
Transfer issuer-sponsored holdings to your Openmarkets HIN.
Off-market transfer form
Change the registered name on a holding from one entity to another.
Account closure
Please contact us to facilitate closure of your Openmarkets trading account.