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Meet Phillip de Hennin | Openmarkets Head of Equity Finance

Written by Openmarkets | Jan 15, 2022 1:00:00 PM

We asked him some quick questions and got some snappy responses.

How do you like your eggs?


What do you do (or expect to be doing) at OMG?

Securities Lending and Securities Finance.

If you were a mythical creature, what would you be?


What are you most excited about working on at OMG?

So much potential, great management, part of the fintech revolution.

What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen or heard about recently in technology?

Water bikes.

What’s the best thing you’ve ever invested in?

A company called Rapid Response Revival – making AED/heart defibrillators available to everyone.

If you had to sing karaoke, what’s the song, and how does it make you feel?

Everybody's Free - Rozalla

What word or words come to mind when you think of OMG?

OMG what a great firm!

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